Oregon White Oak Seedling - M
Quercus garryana
- The only native oak species in British Columbia, Washington, and northern Oregon
- 100% guaranteed
- Seed-grown on California's Redwood Coast
- Transplanting and care instructions included
About Oregon White
From the U.S. Forest Service:
"Oregon white oak is a deciduous tree or sometimes a shrub. Growth form can be affected by regional and site conditions. Oregon white oak may be 30 to 100 feet (8-30 m) tall with a solitary trunk or up to 20 feet (5 m) tall with many trunks. In tree form, Oregon white oak's DBH is typically 24 to 40 inches (61-100 cm), although a DBH of 97 inches (250 cm) was reported in a review. Oregon white oak trunks have thick, furrowed, scaly bark. A short, crooked, and sometimes creeping form is described in rocky habitats with shallow soils. At high-elevation sites in eastern Oregon and Washington, a "shrubby" growth form is typical. A shrub form is also noted from the southernmost populations. Thilenius described "forest-form" and "savannah-form" trees in Willamette Valley. Forest-form trees were fairly tall with ascending branches near the crown and a DBH often less than 24 inches (60 cm). These trees grew in closed-canopy woodlands with nearly 1,045 trees/ha. Savannah-form trees had DBH measurements often exceeding 3 feet (1 m), massive branches, and spreading crowns. These trees grew in open woodlands with 17 trees/ha.