Bald Cypress Seedling - S/M/XL
Taxodium distichum
- Grow your own Baldcypress, a large deciduous conifer from the Gulf Coast!
- 100% guaranteed
- Seed-grown on California's Redwood Coast
- Transplanting and care instructions included
About Baldcypress
Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) is a large deciduous conifer typically associated with the swamps, bayous, and waterways of the Southeastern United States and Gulf Coast. It is rare for a conifer to lose its needles as the Baldcypress does every autumn, and that remarkable quality is why this tree came to be called “bald.” Baldcypress is a member of the Redwood Family, and it grows ever more imposing and elegant with age, reaching heights over 130 feet, with immense, deeply fluted trunks and feathery seasonally-changing foliage lightly adorning powerful branches. In its native realms, the irregular crowns of Baldcypress trees are often richly draped with Spanish Moss. This tree’s closest relative is the unmistakably similar-looking Dawn Redwood (also deciduous, hailing from China).